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Okna UPVC Windows And Doors For Wind Resistance

UPVC Windows And Doors For Wind Resistance

Okna UPVC Windows And Doors For Wind Resistance

The monsoon season, It’s the time of the year when the sky is covered grey and the climate is neither hot nor cold but just normal. It gives everybody something. Puddles to play on for the fun-loving animated people and cozy long naps for the simple goers. It’s the ultimate lazy season that earth gives us every year.

Monsoon has a couple of friends that hold along when it gets to playing and they aren’t as fun as the monsoon. Thunderstorms are forces not to be considered with and we know it, so most utmost of us try our most useful to be inside our homes when monsoon’s friends determine to show up. But are we safe inside our houses?

Okna uPVC windows and doors systems are monsoon-proof & provide a host of benefits.

Water-resistant uPVC windows and doors

A major change that Okna uPVC windows and doors provide is against water seepage. These uPVC profiles for windows & doors have been made to linger 100% water-tight ensuring zero leakage not just protecting your windows and doors but also the beautiful walls.

Wind-resistant uPVC windows and doors

These wind-resistant Okna uPVC windows and doors are buttressed with galvanized steel core & come with storm bars, making them proficient in withstanding high-velocity winds, avoiding rattling or whistling sounds particularly in high-rise buildings & coastal areas.

Termite-Proof uPVC windows and doors

While wooden windows are plausible to termite infestation that builds during the monsoon season, uPVC doors and windows are termite-proof and keep your windows as much as new for a long time.

Mosquito Mesh

The onset of Monsoons brings with it an increase in a mosquito infestation. Okna provides you a range of mesh options to choose from to keep mosquitoes plus insects at bay without stopping the fresh Monsoon breeze from coming in.

Noise-Resistant uPVC windows and doors

Okna uPVC windows and doors also help cut outside noise by 30-40 dB, thereby decreasing the sound of the thunder outside.


Durability is a significant advantage that Okna uPVC windows and doors offer. While wooden or aluminum doors plus windows are prone to termites, corrosion, etc.; uPVC doors and windows do not rot, rust, or warp and have been designed to maintain their shape, size, colour, and shine for years to evolve.

uPVC window frames are designed to stand intense weather conditions and are an ideal option for those looking for low maintenance weather-proof plus monsoon-proof windows & doors.

Enjoy the cool breeze also the beauty of the rain without worrying about anything more with Okna uPVC windows and doors. 

uPVC to the rescue!   

uPVC is a lightweight, high-value material among particularly good thermal insulating properties. It is so great at insulating your house that it saves you tons of money! If you are questioning how you can take a look here. Apart from those unusual features, uPVC windows and doors are surprisingly effective with the help of the galvanized iron (G.I.) reinforcements that reside within them. These reinforcements appear in many shapes, sizes, also thicknesses.

These reinforcements help the windows face the wind load in the area. As the windows get installed on floors that are above 10th floors the wind load receives nasty and that would call for thicker reinforcements. But as the floor goes great or if the area is subjected to extreme weather like storms or thunderstorms, the reinforcements may not be suitable. This situation would call for something greater and better!

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